Active Management

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D2 Belief – “All real estate assets require active management & attention”

Tenant Management

  • Establish relationships with tenants, understand their needs, review existing building management, attend building management meetings, identify areas for cost savings in service charge, insurance and building improvements to yield greater tenant satisfaction. Collect rent and service charge. Monitor repairing obligations.
  • Prepare for and complete all rent reviews. Rent reviews are very much an “Art and not a Science” and require very careful preparation.

Refurbishment & Development Management 

  • Undertake a more detailed refurbishment plan to improve common areas and any vacant space or to add additional space.
  • Assemble a design and construction team to achieve refurbishment plan.
  • Appoint appropriate advisers.
  • Market and lease up any available space to improve tenant mix and covenants in conjunction with external advisers.

Investment Management 

  • Monitor asset performance, identify all value creating and incremental income opportunities, review business plan and financials associated with capital expenditure. Monitor exit strategy on an on-going basis.
  • Review debt package and refinance as necessary.
  • Prepare and implement asset disposal strategy in line with business plan or on opportunistic basis to take into account changes in values and market conditions. Business plan amended as necessary to elongate business plan in market downturns.